Public Comment Opportunities
EFC is accepting public comments on proposed changes to the project scoring criteria for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The proposed changes would modernize the scoring system that prioritizes sewer and wastewater projects for low-cost funding. Public comments are due Feb. 18. Submit comments to General Counsel and Secretary to the Board Henrik Westin at [email protected] with “Regulation Comments” in the subject line.
A webinar was held at 1 p.m. on December 17. The webinar recording is available on YouTube (EXIT).
Additionally, a public hearing is scheduled from 5:30-7 p.m., or until public testimony is complete, on February 10 at the first-floor public assembly room of 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207.
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Board Meetings
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Ensuring Pay Equity by State Employers
Executive Order No. 161.
Environmental Reviews
Applicants of EFC’s financial assistance are required by law to assess the environmental impact of their projects. Certifications for certain actions are posted for public notice.
Federal Civil Rights Non-Discrimination Program
EFC complies with federal civil rights laws and is committed to providing its programs and services without discrimination according to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as related federal non-discrimination statutes and regulations.
Investing Disclosure Documents
Annual Information Statements, Green Bond Reporting, Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Exemption & Official Statements.
Freedom of Information Law
The Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) provides the public with the right to access records maintained by government agencies with certain exceptions.
Intended Use Plans
Prepared annually to account for how the State Revolving Funds will be used.
Program Metrics
Report measuring the impact of EFC's water infrastructure investment programs.
Requests for Proposals
Includes all active requests and Corporate Procurement Guidance.
Utilization Plans & Waivers
For Minority & Women-Owned Business Enterprises and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses.