Authority Mission Statement and Performance Measures

Name of Public Authority

New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation

Public Authority’s Mission Statement

The mission of the Environmental Facilities Corporation is to assist communities throughout New York State to undertake critical water quality infrastructure projects by providing access to low-cost capital, grants, and expert technical assistance. A primary goal is to ensure that these projects remain affordable while safeguarding essential water resources. We support this mission by consistently using an innovative approach to developing and advancing new financing strategies to maximize the funding that can be made available to our clients, aiding compliance with Federal and State requirements, and promoting green infrastructure practices.

Adopted: April 15, 2010

Last reviewed and approved on: May 23, 2024

List of Performance Goals

  1. Implement creative financial solutions for recipients with diverse demographic profiles to address water quality and public health needs.
  2. Deliver distinctive value through technical and programmatic expertise in various aspects of all financed projects.
  3. Engage communities to maximize use of EFC funding to protect the environment and public health.
  4. Provide funding assistance to improve water quality and mitigate the effects of climate change through green infrastructure, energy efficiency, water efficiency and environmental innovation.
  5. Enhance organizational resiliency by embedding strong internal processes and quality review in our corporate strategies.

Additional Questions

  1. Have the board members acknowledged that they have read and understood the mission of the public authority?
  2. Who has the power to appoint the management of the public authority?
    The President and Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the Board of Directors. All Officers of the Corporation are appointed by the President subject to approval by resolution of the Board of Directors. All other staff are appointed by the President and Chief Executive Officer.
  3. If the Board appoints management, do you have a policy you follow when appointing the management of the public authority?
    The Board of Directors does not appoint the management of EFC.
  4. Briefly describe the role of the Board and the role of management in the implementation of the mission.
    The business and affairs of the Corporation are managed by the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for direct oversight of the President and CEO and other officers and senior management of the Corporation in the effective and ethical management of the Corporation. Each director is responsible for understanding, reviewing and monitoring the implementation of fundamental financial and management controls and operational decisions of the Corporation. Management of the Corporation is responsible for the execution of the programs and policies as established by the Board of Directors.
  5. Has the Board acknowledged that they have read and understood the responses to each of these questions?