Engineering Planning Grant Requirements

Grant Agreement

Successful applicants must enter into a grant agreement to receive grant funds. The following items must be submitted to EFC/DEC before the grant agreement is finalized. The grant agreement must be finalized within 6 months of the grant award.


Board Resolution

A board resolution is a motion or formal proposition adopted by an entity's governing body setting forth the intent of that body. An applicant seeking EFC financial assistance must submit a certified copy of a resolution that authorizes, among other things: undertaking of the project and the maximum total cost of the project; expenditures for the project, including identification of any non-municipal source of funds; obligation of funds necessary to meet any required local match, including any cash and/or in-kind services; and application to EFC for financial assistance. The resolution must also designate a representative of the applicant who is authorized to sign the funding agreement with EFC and any associated documents. If the applicant is issuing debt for the project and has adopted a bond resolutions, a separate board resolution may not be necessary. 

Engineering Agreement

An engineering agreement is a contract with a professional engineering firm for planning, design, and/or construction management services. Planning services involve the development of an engineering report. Design services result in the production of plans and specifications for the project. 

Architectural/Engineering Procurement Guidance (PDF)

Project Budget and Plan of Finance

The project budget identifies all known and estimated costs for the preparation of an engineering report, as well as any in-kind or support services. Actual executed contract or agreement amounts should be used when available.

The project budget includes a plan of finance that identifies all sources of moneys expected to fund the total cost of the preparation of the engineering report, including the required local match. This includes the estimated amount of EFC grant and the municipal contribution.