Step 1: List Your Project
Before you can apply for financing through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), you must first list your project on the state Department of Health's Intended Use Plan (IUP). Project listings are screened for eligibility, scored, ranked, and listed, and a new IUP is issued annually. If your project is included in the Annual List of the IUP, skip to Step 3.
What's Required
Drinking Water projects are listed by completing the project listing form on the state Department of Health's website (DOH). The required information includes contact information, a general description of the project’s scope, a budget, and a project schedule. Projects are then screened for eligibility, scored, ranked, and listed.
You must submit an approvable engineering report and Smart Growth Assessment Form with the project listing or have one on file with DOH in order to be on the Annual List and apply for financing during the IUP period. Projects without these documents will be on the Multi-Year list only.
You should submit any available documents, such as engineering reports, consent orders, or project descriptions, to [email protected] in order to receive the most accurate project score and ranking.
Deadline: May 30, 2025
The project listing form, hardship policy, Intended Use Plan and engineering report outline for drinking water projects are available on the Department of Health website. Project listings received after the deadline may be postponed to the next IUP year.
Step 2: Secure Required Documents
Financial Application Guidance
Actions required to process an application
Before you get started with your financing application, please note there are a number of actions/processes that you must complete to generate the documentation you need to complete your application.
- Municipal bond resolutions
- Environmental review documents and findings
- District formation/increase authorization, and
- Agreement for engineering planning services
- Form a special district (generally only counties or towns)
- Contact to SHPO for a determination on potential project impacts
- Pass a bond resolution
- Hire a consulting engineer if you do not have a design engineer on staff
Documents that may be necessary to close financing and/or get your money
Documents include, but may not be limited to:
- Financial statements (audited if available) for the three most recent fiscal years (for applicants other than counties, cities, towns and villages)
- Letters for grant awards or financing that is not from/through EFC
- Current adopted capital and operating budgets
Step 3: Apply for Financing
Are you on the Annual List in the IUP and interested in financing your project?
If you answered yes to both of those questions, then you are in the right place.
You can now submit your application through our new online portal.
You should submit your financing application as soon as possible to ensure you can meet your needs for timely access to funds. It may take several months to process your application, obtain all required documents in good order, request clarification, prepare closing documents, and receive all approvals.
Interest-free or subsidized financing are dependent on where your project is listed on our IUP Annual List which will be released later this year. In addition, applications may be submitted any time for market rate financing.
Ask a Question
Do you have a question or need help completing your application to one of EFC’s funding programs or services? Fill out our question form and we'll get back to you.
Contact DOH Bureau of Water Supply Protection
Chief, Design Section
Bureau of Water Supply Protection
NYS Department of Health