List Your Project by May 30, 2025
About this financing program
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) provides financial assistance for drinking water projects. Examples include, but are not limited to treatment plants, distribution mains and storage facilities. EFC provides both short and long-term financings to accommodate communities of all population sizes with varying financial needs. Interest-free financing and grants may be available to qualifying communities with demonstrated financial hardship.
The DWSRF is administered jointly by EFC with the State Department of Health. EFC administers the financial aspects of the DWSRF.
When communities repay their financings, it allows EFC to finance new projects and the funds "revolve" over time.
Both the applicant and the project must be eligible
Eligible Applicants
School districts
Indian reservation wholly within NYS
Water authorities
Eligible projects
Municipally owned community water systems
List Your Project in the Intended Use Plan
The first step in seeking State Revolving Funds
An Intended Use Plan (IUP) is prepared annually by the state Department of Health to account for how the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) will be used during a federal fiscal year.
Any project funded by the State Revolving Fund is required by law to be listed in the IUP. Projects are listed using a form provided by the state health department. The requested information includes contact information, a general description of the project’s scope, a budget, and a project schedule. Projects are then screened for eligibility, scored, ranked, and listed.
You must submit an approvable engineering report and Smart Growth Assessment Form with the project listing or have one on file with the Department of Health in order to be on the Annual List of the Intended Use Plan. You can submit a complete formal financing application package if your project is included on the Annual List.