Drinking Water Intended Use Plan


An Intended Use Plan (IUP) is filed annually to account for how the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) will be used during a fiscal year. There are set amounts of funds that can awarded to finance clean water (sewer/wastewater) projects each year. The IUP prioritizes projects based on a scoring system and determines which projects can be funded. 

Note: DWSRF is administered jointly by EFC and the Department of Health. IUPs are annual federal requirements and subject to public review and comment. 

Project Listings

Before you can seek financing through State Revolving Funds, you must first submit a project listing

DOH accepts drinking water project listings from communities to determine who is interested in applying for financing and how the State Revolving Fund will be allocated for the year. Project listings are then published in the IUP. 

All eligible projects that are submitted with the appropriate paperwork are included in the IUP at the beginning of a federal fiscal year. 

Once projects are submitted, they are screened for eligibility, scored, ranked, and listed in the IUP. If your project is included on the annual list in the IUP, you can submit a complete formal financing application package. 

A project's rank determines the types of financial assistance available, including interest-free financing (hardship financing) or low-interest financing (subsidized financing). 

Submit a Drinking Water Project Listing

View the Intended Use Plan

The Drinking Water Intended Use Plan is available on the Department of Health website. 

Multi-Year & Annual Lists

The IUP contains two lists of eligible projects:

Multi-Year Project Priority List: Identifies all projects for which applicants have expressed an interest in receiving financial assistance. The Multi-Year list identifies projects alphabetically by applicant name and indicates whether a project is also included on the Annual List, which category it is in, and the project score.

Annual Project Priority List: Identifies projects that DOH may provide financial assistance to in the IUP Period. For a project to be included on the Annual List, you must also submit an approvable Engineering Report and Smart Growth Assessment Form. A project may receive financial assistance in the IUP period only if it is on the Annual List.