
An Intended Use Plan (IUP) is prepared annually to account for how the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) will be used during a federal fiscal year. The need for funding continues to outpace availability. The IUP prioritizes projects based on a scoring system and determines which projects can be funded. 

The IUP is a federal requirement and is subject to public review and comment. 

Program Dates: Federal Fiscal Year 2025

October 1, 2024Beginning of FFY 2025 and Effective Date of the IUP
May 30, 2025Income survey deadline (if applicable)
May 30, 2025Financing applications due for all projects
May 30, 2025New project listing deadline for the FFY 2026 IUP
August 2025Draft FFY 2026 IUP issued
September 2025Comments on Draft FFY 2026 IUP due
September 30, 2025End of the FFY 2026 IUP year 

List a Project

Before you can seek financing through State Revolving Funds, you must first list the project in the Intended Use Plan

A new project may be listed at any time. Listed projects represent those that need financing and allows EFC to allocate State Revolving Funds for the year. Annual and Multi-Year lists are published in the Intended Use Plan (IUP). 

All eligible projects that are submitted are included in the IUP at the beginning of a federal fiscal year. 

Submitted projects are screened for eligibility, scored, ranked, and listed in the IUP. If your project is included on the Annual List in the IUP, EFC will accept a formal financing application for the project.

Watch EFC's step-by-step videos to learn how to use the Project Listing and Update System (PLUS).


Project Scoring

Project Scoring

Projects are scored using a project priority score system using criteria outlined in state law. In general, State Revolving Fund projects that improve and restore water quality generally receive the highest scores. Projects that protect water quality are generally given secondary priority. The scoring criteria also consider factors such as financial hardship.

Learn more about Project Scoring

Interest Rates

A project's score and rank determines the types of financings available on the Annual List:

  • Hardship financing at zero interest
  • Subsidized financing at low-interest
  • Market rate at low interest

Interest Rates

2025 Intended Use Plan

2024 Intended Use Plan

Prior Year Intended Use Plans

Reference Materials