The Clean Vessel Assistance Program's Operation and Maintenance Grant is intended for routine replacement items and costs incurred annually and not for major repairs. If major replacement or upgrade of a facility is necessary, please apply through the Construction and Upgrade grant program. Grants are provided for up to 75% of eligible costs up to $2,000 for land-based pumpout facilities and $5,000 for pumpout boats.
Eligible Expenses
Land-Based Stationary or Mobile Facility
- Emptying of the holding tank by a permitted waste hauler for pumpout waste costs only. If the holding tank is used for waste from other sources these costs will be pro-rated.
- Start-up/placement costs for the season and costs to winterize the unit at the end of the season.
- Costs for routine maintenance and upkeep to the system that are directly related to the pumpout unit itself, such as new hoses, less costly replacement parts, plumbing and/or electrical parts, etc.
- A maximum reimbursement of $500 will be considered for any marina that provides an attendant that is available to assist with pumpout use at least 120 hours per year.
Land-Based Facility that Provides Services to Pumpout Boats
- Any applicant that operates a stationary, land-based pumpout facility and provides support for a pumpout boat may be eligible for additional funding. An additional $2,250 can be requested if the land-based facility has a holding tank for waste disposal and incurs additional costs for waste disposal because they accept offloading waste from a pumpout boat, or have other costs directly associated with supporting the operation of the pumpout boat.
- For more information, see Pumpout Boat Support Guidance.
Pumpout Boat
- Costs for fuel, oil, and routine maintenance for a pumpout boat.
- Costs to unwrap the boat for the season and to shrink wrap the boat for the winter.
- Reimbursement will be allowed for personnel costs to provide service form a pumpout boat not to exceed the total reimbursable amount of $5,000.
- Dock fees, if required.
- Costs to offload waste.
- Hepatitis shots for pumpout boat personnel.
- Pumpout boat insurance.
Either Land-Based or Pumpout Boat
- A flat administration reimbursement of $250 will be applied to any facility that submits completed "Pumpout Usage Log" forms to EFC with their request for funding. The information on this form will assist NYS in determining usage for long-term planning.
- A facility that charges a fee for pumpout use is required to track fees collected and must report the fees with O&M costs in order to receive funding through the CVAP O&M program. The completed log may also be used to track this income and is an acceptable proof of receipts.
- The time period that annual reimbursement requests for O&M funding should be submitted to EFC annually once all costs are fully documented for the current season.
- Facilities that charge for pumpout use will be required to account for the funds that are collected. The total amount of user fees collected must be subtracted from the costs claimed prior to determining the 75% level of funding.
Guidance Documents
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