Award Requirements for the Green Innovation Grant Program

If your project receives funding, you must comply with certain requirements
Award Requirements for the Green Innovation Grant Program

Environmental Review Documentation

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)

All applicants for EFC funding are required to assess the environmental impacts of their projects pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Act.

State Environmental Review Process (SERP)

Applicants seeking State Revolving Fund financing also must comply with the applicable requirements of the federal State Environmental Review Process (SERP), which may be more stringent than the requirements under SEQR. To comply with SERP, unless the project is a Type II Action exempt from SEQR, it generally must be treated as a Type I Action under SEQR. 

Smart Growth

The State Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act of 2010 is intended to augment the state’s environmental policy by maximizing the social, economic, and environmental benefits of public infrastructure development while minimizing unnecessary environmental degradation, disinvestment in urban and suburban communities, and the loss of open space resulting from sprawl development.

State Historic Preservation Documentation

Each applicant seeking financial assistance from EFC is required to consult with New York's State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), within the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and obtain a letter from SHPO stating that based upon its review, it is SHPO's opinion that the project will have no effect upon cultural resources in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, or that SHPO has no objection to the applicant proceeding with the planning of the projects, subject to SHPO's final approval and the applicant's compliance with any conditions of SHPO's approval. 

Go to the State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation’s website for more information about SHPO.

Project Budget and Plan of Finance

The project budget identifies all known and estimated costs that are projected to be incurred during the planning, design, and construction of the project. The budget should contain all costs that pertain to the project, including costs for professional services such as legal counsel, financial adviser services, and other consultants. Actual executed contract or agreement amounts should be used when available. 

The project budget includes a plan of finance that identifies all sources of moneys expected to fund the total cost of the project, including the required local match. This includes the estimated amount of GIGP financial assistance and any additional sources of moneys which will pay for the project, including any third party sources, and any municipal or other contributions. 


Architectural & Engineering (A/E) Services

All Architectural & Engineering (A/E) services must be procured in accordance with 40 U.S.C 1101 

  • EFC Certificate for Procuring Architectural and Engineering (A/E) Services 
  • The solicitation was publicly announced
  • Evaluation criteria was available in the announcement
  • Criteria was based on demonstrated competence and qualification
  • Attempts were made to discuss anticipated concepts and alternatives with at least three firms
  • Contract negotiations to determine compensation began with the most highly qualified firm. In the event an agreement was not reached, negotiations proceeded to the next most qualified firm

Single Audit 

Single Audit requirements defined in 2 CFR Part 200 subpart F